Steel is tough, there’s no doubt about that, and in the world of Conan Exiles, possessing the element can be advantageous in many situations. Wood gives the warrior the jumping start for their survival until they move onto Iron. Then, the possibilities become endless, especially with options to evolve Iron into Steel. But Hardened Steel is definitely the next area to make good use of all those Iron bars. Keep reading to learn how to assemble the right resources to create hardened Steel for your character.
How to Craft Hardened Steel in Conan Exiles
To craft Hardened Steel in Conan Exiles, you’ll need a Furnace, Cauldron, Fluid Press, and Tannery. It may seem excessive for one resource, but it’s a lot simpler than that. It’s merely a matter of mixing some things here and there, and Hardened Steel bars will soon be in your inventory. Assuming one is a good stretch into the game, you should have all of the crafting stations at the ready.
Firstly, throw your Ironstone into the Furnace to create Iron Bars. Collect those, and the next step will involve Tar and Brimstone. Brimstone can be found at various locations (Shattered Springs, Buccaneer Bay, Gallaman’s Tomb, to name a few). For Tar, you can either place Coal into your Fluid Press or process Heads and Hides at the Tannery.
For this next step, gather your Tar and Brimstone and mix them into the Cauldron. This will produce Steelfire, which will be fixed together with Iron Bars to create Steel Bars at the Furnace. These bars are clearly important to crafting them into hardened material. Yet the other vital ingredient is Black Ice, which might require more effort for your traveling necessities. Black Ice can be found at the Frozen Slopes and the Temple of Frost, and depending on its prerequisite status for you, it might not be a mine-and-run effort.
If you do so happen to acquire Black Ice, you’ll be set. With your Steel Bars in the Furnace, toss in your chunks of Black Ice, and from there you’ll have yourself some bars of Hardened Steel. It’s of a higher quality than its predecessor, and it weighs a little less than the standard Steel Bar. With the right amount of assets, you can craft even the strongest of builds and fortifications.
Need some more tips for Conan Exiles? Check out our other guides!